RETREAT or RECHARGE to Make Innovation Natural
Guest blog post from Mohan Nair, CEO Emerge® Inc
When you ask your teams to join you in an offsite, what do you think your team feels? Excitement or anxiety? My guess is added anxiety, especially these days. It’s like being called for your yearly dental appointment. You just hope they don’t find anything. Most times, retreats are not designed to energize but to hold accountable actions forward. The disguise of entertainment is book ends to getting stuff underway and discovering whether the team survives. Many team mates want new experiences void of being evaluated; an opportunity to understand new perspectives and to grow; and inspiration not investigations.
But in retreats (why do we still use this term?), we are held down to be accountable, to be indoctrinated and to slow our learning. Not inspired into action. That’s why, Gary Mortensen, President, Stoller Family Estates, and my company Emerge® Inc. are forming Innovation RechargeTM. In the age of so much change that demands us to bring our inner innovator in an AI era, we created a place, at your choice of time, to gather to summon our courage forward.
A collaboration, like no other, bringing together:
1. The Stoller Story of sustainable innovation within the unpredictability of Nature
2. My 7-year research work on the Innovator’s MojoTM to help teams find their inner innovator in a world of AI.
This ingredients of Inner workings of Innovators, AI and Sustainability form the Recharge-recipe to make innovation natural. This offering is for focused teams in midsize and larger organizations. Or if you gather two companies jointly.
We invite you to join us at a prearranged day, with our Recharge-in-a-box approach for a 2- hour, 3 hour or full-day experiences at Stoller Family Estates Experience Center. Offsite planners will have little work as everything is planned. Except the date. Come as you are as a group of 20-25 and we will handle the rest for a one-day Recharge.
The format:
Two relevant keynotes - mine (demystifying innovation-for-all beyond AI) and Gary Mortensen
President of Stoller Wine ( experiences in innovation and sustainability and what has running technology companies taught him to lead a winery). You set your date in coordination with us for a 1/2 day or 1 day Recharge.
Prepare Your discussions to get your teams inspired. Led by you or us. World-class wine, and meals and the beautiful regenerative surroundings to awaken your
All in one box!
We’ve been working on this recipe for almost 2 years. Please bring your tasty ideas and recharge them.
Interested in attending? Contact me:
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